Tuesday 1 March 2011

And it's all awards over...

Well the jockeying and jostling is over as the film award season once again comes to a close with the Oscars and well the prizes went to pretty much you expected them to in the end.

The only real question in the end was would Fincher get a nod for direction on Social Network? True to form the Academy declined to separate Best Film from Best Director and both awards went the way of The King's Speech.

At the end of the day it's the Academy Awards themselves that are finding it increasingly hard to make an impact in this day and age. By the time the grand daddy of film awards comes around there have been so many ceremonies each year that fatigue sets in and often the repeated awards go to the same faces making the Oscars easy to predict seeing as many of the Academy vote in these earlier bouts.

It doesn't help that the ceremony itself once a big time television event full of glamour finds it's harder to find an audience and stay relevant to a younger audience. This year's approach using James Franco and Anna Hathaway to front instead of the usual candidates (Billy Crystal) didn't quite come off.

The two actors didn't look that comfortable and the material they were given was MTV Movie Award Lite and it was left to some impromptu swearing to really make much of a stir.

Next year I suggest an abridged version where the whole thing takes place on the Red Carpet, after all that's the part people are interested in...."What are they wearing?"

1 comment:

Tomsk said...

They should get Ricky Gervais in, he'd liven things up.