Sunday 4 October 2009

Eek! Halloween is a-coming

Seeing as this is the month of Halloween I figure I'll spend time over the coming days looking at, thinking about and talking about horror films. Horror as a general is genre that rarely interests me, the vast majority of it seems to be witless, soulless and craftless.

However I do find the odd film that does hold something to it other than large chested teenagers (and those can be guys or girls!) being stalked by a unstoppable maniac. So we'll be taking a look at some of those this month, alongside I imagine a couple of rants about the crappier end of the scale. I will also do my best to seek out and recommend some horror films that you may not have come across before and/or which I would actually go as far as to actually say they are good film.

Anyway a quick start with a look at a French film from last year, a first time effort for the director and writer it has picked strong buzz from the festival circuit and plays on some primal fears and motivations. Seems Europe is still full of twisted and scary things...

1 comment:

SpaceSquid said...

Ooh! This should be interesting...