Friday 8 January 2010

Things I have been watching : Enchanted

Enchanted is a film the satirises traditional Disney output much more successfully than Shrek ever did and does it with a genuine sense of affection for the subject. So no surprise really that it comes from the House Of Mouse itself, don't let anyone say the studio doesn't have a sense of humour about itself.

We open the film in animated style as Giselle sings about true love's kiss with her woodland friends, finds a Prince and is to be married the next day only for the Prince's evil stepmother to push her down a magical well on the other side of which she appears in real life New York

Pitching Giselle's hopeless romanticism and joy at life against the hard cold reality of New York is what generates most of the film's humour and edge (although the edge isn't too sharp, hey this is still a family film). As she stumbles lost in the city she meets divorce lawyer Robert and his young daughter, then further chaos ensues as the Prince and his manservant come through to find the lost Giselle.

Of course everyone learns a lesson (well nearly everyone) as the divorce lawyer learns to let his emotions out, Giselle learns not to go haplessly into the arms of the nearest prince and the manservant learns to be a decent stand up guy. Through in we have a message of female independence as Robert refuses to let his daughter believe in fairytales but tells her she can be whatever she wants to be (giving her book on Marie Curie et al) whilst Giselle comes to rescue the gentlemen in distress at the film's climax.

A large part of the film's appeal is down to Amy Adams' charming turn as Giselle, all bright eyes and energy. A musical number in Central Park really lets her show what she can do alongside being a strong comedian.

Plus the film is filled with sly visual references to much of Disney's back catalogue and spotting these is as much fun as anything else.

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