Saturday 16 January 2010

Things I've Been Watching : Star Trek III - The Search For Spock

The trek continues with the adventure to bring back Spock. Ok, yes the exact how and why of Spock's return is a bit flimsy but it does make for an enjoyable ride.

Once again this is Star Trek with a dark edge as Bones verges on madness, the crew are stood down and Kirk eventually loses both his ship and his son. (Not surprisingly the franchise went into mainly comedy territory for the next outing) This time around the stand out turn is from DeForest Kelly as Bones especially in the first half of the movie as he conveys the confusion and torment of having essentially two minds in one.

Though most of the other regulars don't get too much to do this time around and Robin Curtis is no match for Kirstie Alley as Saavik. Christopher LLoyd is good value as the Klingon commander though as the classic foes make their first proper appearance in the film series (after the brief glimpse of them in The Motion Picture), as does the desgin classic Bird Of Prey (apparently initially intended as a Romulan ship that had been commandeered)

Some of the effects work as not dated as well as Wrath Of Khan's but this probably down to it being more ambitious in a lot of places than it's predecessor was. The surface of the Genesis planet is well realised even if it does often have that stagey feel so familiar to the original series and our first look at the Excelsior is still impressive even if it's bridge seems a bit overly Buck Rogers in design.

So Khan remains the yardstick but having not seen this for a long time it is actually darker and better than I remember it, it will be time to voyage home next but something tells me after that I'll skip straight to The Undiscovered Country


Chemie said...

Skip to VI? Coward!Surely understanding what is monumentally wrong with V is a vital exercise?

Gooder said...

It's mainly I don't want to buy it again for the privilage!