Thursday 14 January 2010

Things I've Been Watching : Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan

Even after all these years Star Trek II remains one of my favourite films and is probably the sci-fi film I've seen more than any other (even the mighty Star Wars). It's a submarine movie in space filled with tension, excitement and wonder.

Even our set of heroes operate on a deeper level than in so many of their adventures with Kirk facing up to growing older as well as demons from his past in both his lost son and deadly rival.

It's probably Shatner's best work in the role (that crack in the voice at the end gets me everytime) and or course Nimoy is reliable as ever bringing that quiet dignity to Spock even in his dying moments. Ok Ricardo Montalban hams it up a bit as Khan but wonderfully so! Plus or course Kirstie Alley makes a tremblingly sexy Vuclan.

The effects work still stands up for the most part (although the wireframe computer simulations have unavoidably dated) with the nebula based finale still a highlight and the Genesis project video marking a leap forward in computer animation for the time.

Director Nicholas Meyer does well here to, take for example the sequence cutting between the formation of the Genesis planet and Kirk rushing to his find his friend after noticing that empty chair.

I'm sure if you know it you love it but if you've somehow never seen this check it out, the darkness tinged, grown up alternative to JJ Abrams technicolour reboot (which I do like by the way)

And we really can't leave without this;

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