Tuesday 19 August 2008

A Ghost Story

Our Front Room is retiring for bed.

SS: Make sure you turn the video off!
INP: Still frightened a ghost girl is going to crawl out of the television and brutally kill you?
SS: As I’ve told you many times, I fully intend for my death certificate to attribute my demise to sexual misadventure.
INP: You could… have sex with the ghost, I guess.
SS: Dude! That Ring chick was minging. Also a little girl. That second one should probably have come first, actually.
INP: We could always find an attractive woman of appropriate age, kill her, and then have her haunt you.
SS: Ooh, that’s the best idea you’ve had since that Velcro/cat thing! Write that down for my Christmas present: “Kill hot chick and have her haunt Squid. With sexy results!”
INP: Feh, I’ll never remember it. “Kill Squid” is about as far as I’m likely to get.
SS: Fine. I guess I’ll have to settle for socks again.
INP: Maybe I'll kill you with the socks.
SS: Can’t it be a Kashmir scarf? Only they feel so soft against my skin.
INP: Are you sure you want the murder weapon to be so effeminate?
SS: Because being strangled to death by a pair of socks just screams masculinity.
INP: Real man’s man sort of socks, made out of scratchiest wool. The sort of sock Vikings wore to put them in the killing mood.
SS: You’re still strangling your male housemate on Christmas day with his present. Tongues are liable to wag.
INP: If you keep throwing up objections I’m just going to go back to setting bear traps around the flat and baiting them with cider.
SS: That was you? I thought it was Lord Mothington’s revenge for stripping him of his title.
INP: Just how big do you remember Lord Mothington being?
SS: Shut up! It’s your fault I don’t have feet anymore! That’s why I’ve been sitting at this damn chair for forty-eight hours!
INP: I hadn’t noticed any difference whatsoever. Wait, what’s this? An entirely unguarded can of cider stood inside an oven that no-one could possibly have switched on!
SS: Yay! Stand asi-OOOWWWWW!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Dreaded continuity is slipping in though, as Tycho would point out.

I was a bit confused at what I first read as 'setting beer traps [...] and baiting them with cider'. *blush*

Chemie said...

Kashmir scarf? Oh just cut his throat with diamonds, smother him in cassia and shoot him with pearls why don't you?

SpaceSquid said...

What's cassia? Will it set off my blue eyes?

I wish I could write as well as Tycho, Jamie. Right now I've only gotten as far as using italics a lot.

Chemie said...

It's the bark you make cinnamon from. So I think it might sting your blue eyes actually. But you would smell like Christmas!

SpaceSquid said...

That would definitely be adequate compensation for being rendered blind.