Sunday 14 September 2008

Lost Watch

In the first of what may or may not be a regular series of posting I'm going to waffle on about the pilot of Lost. This obviously will contain spoilage for those of you who have not seen and care enough not to know what happens in it yet.

Now, Lost is a TV show I really like because it comes across like a crazy mix of character driven drama and a twilight zone story that has been plotted by crazy guy scribbling on the wall... in the dark. For some reason this mix really works on me and has kept stuck to the thing like glue.

Recently I acquired the first series on DVD as part of a notion that if I watch it all within a relatively short space of time I'll be able to keep track of some of the more esoteric parts of what the hell is going on.

Even just watching the two pilot episodes confirm that this is probably correct. What also makes it interesting is being armed with fore knowledge and thus not only feeling smug that you what is going to happen to people but also being able to spot where things are starting to be laid out. (The radio message that leads to Rousseau who leads to...)

Of course this being the pilot we are given time with what will be our main characters. Jack takes charge from the start (helping others, getting others to help others) so it's no surprise that he ends up defacto leader of the group. And it is he along with Kate that really are the main two leads in the show at this stage (the pair of them being on screen far more than any of the others) as run from monsters, climb cockpits, scale mountains and undertaken Deliverance style surgery.

Elsewhere it's something of a surprise to realises how much of tool Jin is and how timid Sun is considering how he goes on to be The Man on more than one occasion and she becomes really quite the confident one (she must learn bad habits from all those western women around her!).

Sawyer, the ladies favourite, doesn't appear for at least an hour then becomes the first person to fire a gun and begins the process of nicknaming everyone. Meanwhile Locke sits around a lot apparently still confused by the fact he can walk before having one mysterious line about telling Walt a secret.

Walt, by the way is just a whiny a child at this time and Micheal his whiny father.
There is also Shannon and Boone who'd I'd almost forgotten totally about but i suspect these two might be much more interesting second time round as I'm sure some of the back story ties up with the others but can't quite remember that.

I also forgot that Charlie used to be a junkie and his comedy partnership with Hurley has not yet begun.

Plot wise so far we have the crash (obviously), the jungle monster, random polar bears, Kate's unknown criminality, the strange repeating french signal message, no chance of rescue since no-one knows where they are and Claire is still pregnant.

I think this is going to be fun and I shall endeavour to do episode updates and hopefully witty observations as I go.

Below is a cool recap of series one to three in eight minutes for those of you who want to cheat and watch the equivalent of the CliffsNotes.

1 comment:

Tomsk said...

Who is this "Gooder" and what have you done with isnoproblem?

The problem with re-watching Lost is you'll become nostalgic for the days when there was still some hope that everything would make sense in the end. Plus you have to put up with two whole series of Michael whining on and on with only the satisfaction of the ship incident to keep you going.
