Wednesday 17 September 2008

Lost Watch

Episode 4 : Walkabout

You now the drill by now, this will spoil the actual episode but not too much else.

It's Locke! Here we go with probably my favourite character in the whole enterprise, John Locke. Up until not he hasn't really done anything but stand looking mysterious and give Micheal bad vibes when Walt hangs out with him. This week he takes center stage as the flashback is his and we get to see him actually interacting with the other Losties on the island.

The first real excitement of the week comes when rustling and knocking sounds creep out Vincent and thanks to his incessant barking everyone else shortly afterward, Defacto Jack immediately jumps to the obvious conclusion; Sawyer is rooting around like a rag and bone man on a mission again. A excellent theory sadly blow away seconds later as Sawyer grumps "Right behind you, jack ass" from half foot away. I know it was dark but c'mon, did Jack lose his glasses or something.

Turns out its a pack of wild boars. Razorbacks as Locke notes but significantly scarier than the Sunnydale High version. Due to the impending food shortage (at least partially blamed on Hurley by everyone's favourite redneck) Locke decides to hunt the boars, taking Micheal and (the ever volunteering) Kate with him after demonstrating his position as 'King Of The Knives' thanks to a piece of knife throwing show offery and the feck off giant case of knives he apparently took with him on holiday.

Suffice to say it doesn't go brilliantly well as Micheal gets gored, Kate falls out of a tree and Locke comes face to face with the terrible monster of the jungle. Although upon coming face to face with it Locke smiles gently to himself instead of screaming and running and then screaming again like all those other wet blankets.

Over in flashback land we see Locke toiling under the biggest jerk of a boss you could find as he just tries to play a game of a Axis & Allies style game with his geeky workmate over lunchtime. Then we see him speaking to Helen who we have been led to believe is his girlfriend; she is in fact a sex line worker who is getting increasingly freaked by the guy who just talks about how his day went. Finally we see him having argument with a tour operator who won't let him take part in a Walkabout holiday he has been looking forward to for months.

At this point note in the flashback we have only seen John sitting down, as gasp, the camera pulls back to reveal him in a wheelchair. This is the key significance of the flashback but also please note he already keeps talking about his destiny and "don't tell what I can't do' is a recurring motif"

Meanwhile amongst the rest of the gang; Sayid is building a transceiver thingy to track the french signal with Kate's aid, Shannon flashes her eyelids and those legs of her at Charlie to get him to fish for her. Charlie then gets Hurley to fish for him (in the first of the comedy double act scenes) to fish for her. Rose and Jack bond on the beach.

After four days it's decided the remaining bodies in the fuselage should be burnt to avoid both the smell and their consumption by boar. Claire holds a service of remembrance in front of the fire, it's all very touching. Especially when she reads out some-ones video shot returns list.

Sun makes toothpaste, Jin is nowhere to be scene, Boone gets a little too into spooning with his sister and Sayid comes over all MacGuyver to build his tracking device. Plus Jack starts to see a strange man in a suit walking into the jungle.
Lie wise we have Sayid secrecy about the signal and what he is making, but the biggy this week is Locke denying he saw the creature despite looking right at it.

So there we go, tiny, tiny movement on the bigger mysteries built so far with the question of Locke's recovery thrown in but a solid episode thanks to, well, the awesomeness of Locke, nice comedy from Sawyer and the actually quite touching scenes with Jack and Rose.

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