Monday 15 September 2008

Lost Watch

Episode 3 : Tabula Rasa

Again a level of spoilerage is involved if you haven't seen the actual episode before but I don't give away anything shockingly momentous here.

Onto the series proper and the winner of the first proper flashback award goes to Kate as this week we see her ply her feminine whiles on a poor defenseless farmer with a false arm. (At this point it's interesting to note they couldn't decide if they should going into and coming out of a flashback it seems as they try a couple of times here) In truth not much happens in said flashback ; Kate sleeps in a barn, agrees to work farm, tries to leave, farmer tries to turn her in, she crashes a car. Sounds like a lot, but not really.

Meanwhile on the island our minx is starting to drive the boys crazy, instructing Sawyer to "put his gun back in his pants" (though at this point she literally means gun) as he cunningly nicknames her 'Freckles' despite the distinct lack of freckles on the woman. The lass also keeps bonding with Mr. Defacto Jack. Well, we say bond, we mean lie to, tell half truths to and generally confuse the poor guy. Having said that he brings it on himself telling her he doesn't want to know what she did to get pursued across the planet by a federal Marshall ( he doesn't even ask why her mugshot looks like a glamour photo session). So the mystery of her crime remains. Oh, what could it be? Seriously if these two actually communicated with each other things would go a lot smoother.

Elsewhere Sawyer's hoarding of things begins a pace as he rifles through the fuselage (which is soon to seemingly disappear) to claim the vitals; booze, ciggies, porn. Before he ineptly shoots the Marshall in the chest in an attempt to put him out of misery. (wouldn't you aim for his head maybe?) Credit for the attempt tho'

The cuteness that is Charlie and Claire gets off to a flying start around luggage and an abandoned wheelchair (whose could it be?) and is hammered home in the closing montage - which if memory recalls was something of a cliche for the first few episodes.

Walt gets Vincent the dog back (perhaps one of the smartest on the island that animal) when Micheal 'finds' him with the assistance of Locke, who at this point is something of a loner and truly perfecting looking mysteriously into the middle distance, what is his miracle he's described to Walt?(in fact the closing montage closes on Locke doing such a thing with a splash of threat music, a bit odd really)
Also Jin manages not to be a jerk for about five seconds and Sun accidental flashes Micheal.

And the en-mass lying begins as Sayid refuses to tell anyone else about the french signal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good summary. Kate has too got freckles though, look: