Wednesday 8 October 2008

It's what keeps us watching..

It's what keeps us watching, what draws us in. We may enjoy may of the films and shows we watch, many of the songs we hear. And we may think a great many of the things we come across are terrible (Battlefield Earth for example was on yesterday) but it's those moments where it all comes to together that keeps us going.

Those scenes that just seem to work so perfectly that every time we seen them we shall smile and nod appreciatively. Maybe they excite, maybe they shatter the heart, maybe they intrigue, maybe they are just plain 'cool'. Whatever it may be they provoke something more than anything else.

Every now and again Our Front Room will showcase some of the moments that have caught our eyes and ears and below is the first few offerings.

From 'The Third Man', it's perhaps the greatest reveal in cinema history and this is before Welles steals the show with the Swiss monologue. Brilliantly done and Harry's wry smile says so much more than any lines could

Not a showy one this, it's all about the performance and the dialogue nor is it one of the films grandstanding moments. What it is though is the encapsulation of both Will as a character and the film's core message to live your life.

If you don't know this then I don't know what you've being doing with your time. A perfect ending to a near perfect film. It is the confirmation of what Micheal has become and those final seconds as the door closes, Kaye knows it too.

Something from TV here and it goes to show that even if you're making a genre TV show it doesn't mean you can't do it with flair and imagination as The Sarah Conner Chronicles shows a great deal of promise which make rumours of it's imminent cancellation disappointing

I simply don't believe Gwyneth has ever looked so lovely and in a one stroke Wes Anderson ensures you completely understand the connection between the two characters

Yes, the film itself showed flashes of promise without ever really working as whole but the combination of that theme, the images and the tones of the late, great Brando still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

So there we go, just a few moments that keep me doing what I do. Keep your eyes out for more as there are many more to come.

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