Saturday 31 May 2008

Heed The Call

"I am a soldier. I am a mean machine. This is my joypad. There are many others like it, but this one is mine."

I am starting to fear that Call Of Duty 4 is in fact using subliminal messaging to keep me playing. There has to be something going on for it still sucking the hours out of the day

Something more than just the compulsion to gun down people with an array of meticulously reproduced weaponry whilst mentally shouting "Oh-rah!" or "Jihad!" teams depending.
Something more than joy of the Russian anthem playing when you and your comrades succeeding in blowing up a collection of green boxes. Surely there is something.

Or maybe, just, maybe there is something deeply satisfying about the thought of someone in a different timezone throwing down their pad in frustration as your grenade loops through air and gently falls into their back pocket.

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