Monday 19 May 2008

Tonight's Viewing

Lost : minor spoilers possible

This just gets stranger and stranger plus the conjecture that answers are coming is a total bold faced lie. That or the answers have come and gone leaving behind the mental equivalent of a house trashed by a hundred unwanted house guests.

Anyway in this installment we focus on Davy Crockett gone mad Locke, the inexplicably large Hurley and Skynet in human form Ben as they look for the mysterious Jacob and his holiday cabin.

Now, they do find a cabin, it does not contain Jacob but does have Claire sulking around in the corner and at no point is any evidence provided that this whole Jacob thing isn't some kind of group jungle fever session brought on by eating a few two many over-ripe pineapples.

Elsewhere life on the boat goes from bad to worse for everyone. The marine have been savaged by Smokie Boy, Michael is locked in his room (surely not helping him to fix the engine anytime soon), the Captain finally has a fatal failure in his chain of command (well for him anyway) and the poor doctor gets a throat-ectemy largely because fate has already confusingly declared him dead two weeks ago.

Still as Ben says Fate is a fickle bitch and as the ship's doc will attest so are those writers.

Next week : Nothing will be resolved, not a thing, nothing will gone to end except perhaps the viewers patience.

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