Monday 26 May 2008

Televison from the land of "Waaa?"

Well, an interesting conversation with the boys in blue later and the family over the road are no longer convinced I'm related to Mr Kruger. Still, probably best turn to the television even if it's like over a day later than promised. (Or maybe it's a day early and I'm living in a different time stream to everyone else, ohhh, no probably just been watching to much 'Lost')

What I actually intend to write about is ,and it's something that means the opening paragraph is vaguely relevant, it's : To Catch A Predator (

Yes, the world's most disturbing reality TV show is coming to Britain! That's right now you too can marvel and wonder at grown men perving over young girls all in the name of serious journalistic programming. There is no exploitation or uncomfortable sensationalism here, oh no!

Oh, wait. There is.

Seriously when you first come across this thing if you first reaction isn't, "Wa, what the..(expletive of personal choice)", than good god, what do you normally watch?

Ok, ok I did quite like that Swag show that ridiculed and harassed petty scouse thieves (don't you just love stereotypes) but this does seem a bit, well, hmm, you know, just that little bit, "Er Tv exec man are you sure this is a good idea?" But what really strikes the fear of be'jesus into hearts here is the thought of the Celebrity Spin-Off Edition.

Just think you could go either way ; entrap a poor fading celeb and relaunch their career through the following criminal prosecution or up your chances of catching as many wrong 'uns as possible by baiting your trap with Dakota Fanning or perhaps more believably Miley Cyrus.

Other possible spin-offs include : To Release A Predator (sponsored by Group 4), Predator Vs. Predator (where those caught are thrown into a pit with a hungry Tiger), Aliens Vs Predator (illegal immigrants are pitted against the sexually deviant for the entertainment of all and the right to not go to that special holiday camp in Cuba) and To Catch A Predator : The Movie ( a children's movie!)

But, seriously, the mind just boggles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Swag was great. Top three Swag moments:

i) The unattended lorry which turned out to be a giant cage, parading its victim through town accompanied by a loudspeaker explaining the captive was a petty crook. Watch the stooge's transition from impotently pulling at the bars to cowering, face covered, in a corner and back again.
ii) The thief who saw an open window and attempted to burgle a surprise party, falling back through the frame to cries of "Surprise!" or "Happy birthday!"
iii) The car which locked in attempted car-jackers and tried to drown them in foam.