Sunday 25 May 2008

Today, outside the window...

Frankly the suburban scene outside Our Front Room's window is just too, well, normal and really quite dull. (Apart from the time there were three emergency vehicles parked outside but that is a whole different story).

So, from time to time I like to imagine various differing views outside the window, often matched to suit mood. Anything from marching herds of dinosaurs with the bands to go with to the lost city of hotties with the giant chocolate waterfall.

Today it's a bit Dante's fiery sweetie circle of hell. Which, I know doesn't really make any kind of sense but then I find that's quite a rare occurrence, people who stay too long in Our Front Room often end up slightly, er , off kilter reality wise.

Stay tuned as I'm sure some kind of television will be ranted on later, it's only so long you can stare out of the front window before the family across street starts to worry about their daughter's safety.

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