Tuesday 24 June 2008

Could this be?

Could this be one of the coolest, largest time sinks on the Internet? An entire site dedicated to movie trailers?


As we all know, trailers are one of the modern ages greatest art forms (hey, if they can make Spawn look watchable anything is possible) and should be appreciated as much. To do this day an audible sigh is heard from your author here when he sadly realises his shiny new DVD toy doesn't include the trailer on the disc. Why do they do this do me? Why?

But while we're here let us peruse some examples of the genre ..


It will make no sense to anyone who doesn't know the TV show and even then it makes little sense.


Just plain spooky as heck.


A classic example of the action picture trailer (and it even actually sells the film short, as the film also surprisingly very wry and funny)


A trailer in four acts and the film is pretty damn good too.


Not that interesting at first, but then at 1.08 it kicks in and it becomes a perfect match of image and music..and some of those images are just stunning.


Er, mainly picked as I want to bring it to people's attention. WARNING : If this film doesn't make you feel like you've been through an emotional blender than you quite possibly don't have a soul

And let's end for now and something that is just purely charming in every way...


(apologies for the lack of funny in the above, but I'm just too happy to have found this website)

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