Sunday 6 July 2008

A Celebration

Hooray! The electronic speaking box informs us that most paedophiles are men under 24 years old. Our Front Room has passed out of the danger zone! And without raping a single child between us!

But where, I ask you, is our reward? Hmmm? Society hates paedophiles, so surely it must love the non-paedophile. Why are we not being showered with gifts to celebrate our total refusal to abuse even the most alluring of kiddies?

Frankly the laissez faire attitude betrayed by "the man" when it comes to rewarding those with a clean score-card, toddler abuse-wise, is both sickening and confusing.


Unknown said...

Unfortunately the classic serial killer profile is; a single white male aged between 25 and 35. So as they say out of the frying pan and into the fire. Other signs are, working in a job of lower status than education or intelligence would usually dictate, childhood trauma, alcohol or other substance abuse, retreats into fantasy worlds and often an interest in the police or other law enforcement agencies. Got to love profiling…

SpaceSquid said...

So now I have to spend the next seven years trying not to stab anyone?

Man, they just keep changing the damn goal-posts...