Sunday 20 July 2008

OFR vs Ninja Gaiden

The tranquility of a Sunday afternoon in Our Front Room is suddenly shattered by a blood-curdling noise.

SS: Why can I hear the howling of killer dogs?
INP: My fault. There's something wrong with a game in which you play a hellspawn-slaughtering ninja who goes down like a dick to a few bad-tempered canines.
SS: You could try making a noise like a bee. Although that might only work with Storm.
INP: Your dog is afraid of bees?
SS: I think a lot of them are. That's why they don't like vacuums; it just sounds like a huge bumblebee.
INP: Well if normal bees scare you, giant bees must scare you much worse. That is science, my friend!
SS: I wonder how much thought the dogs put into it. Do they just think "big bee", or do they look at the hoover and freak out. "Holy shit, a giant bee encased in armour!"? A bee tank, basically. Which seems a reasonable thing for a dog to be afraid of. Hell, I'm a little afraid myself now.
INP: Hah! You who would mock the dog! Don't seem so stupid now, do they?
SS: Seriously, is our Dyson twitching?
INP: I always thought "Dyson" was a fairly good name for a megalomaniac. Clearly he has formed an alliance with the bees and is hoping to dominate the world with his arthropod Panzer Corps.
SS: You betray yourself as a bee-racist! For perhaps the bees have mobilised their tank divisions only in the defence of their homes. You can't blame them, really; what with all of their mates disappearing because of suicides or Daleks or whatever the hell it is this week.
INP: Would you mind keeping the ranting down? Only I'm trying to not get eaten by dogs.
SS: If only Bee Goering would unleash the Bee Luftwaffe and teach those pooches a lesson.
INP: Well, that's - shit! Some kind of giant-bat-demon-thing! And my face appears to be entirely visible!
SS: I think we've had this conversation before.

We sneak out quietly as our heroes collapse into a recursive loop.

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